Friday 4 June 2010

sisterly love???

once again..... when i look at this emoticon i remembered my sister......

recently my sister somehow wants me to hug her... (eeeew).... and when i refused she will call my mom or dad... telling them that i don't want to hug her (erg...WTF?!?!)...
and after that she wont care anymore... and then she came to my room bothering me with something "very important" (yeah right)... she got crazyly happy and weird in a second and become extremly annoying and get angry so easily on anothe second.....

what went wrong?? she's on "the age" or something??

But then when she and i are making a different kind of dinner.. things went well we laugh for a bit.. taste each other food, watch tv...etc. whatever...

Last night she said she want to wath a DVD with ME in MY ROOM.. allright and then she starts complaining about how boring or how ugly or how awful the plot and the character is...(geez get the hell out of here!!!) and she stayed quite long... until i say i gotta sleep gona leave early tomorrow....

today... mom ask her to extract a zipped file on mom's new laptop... well practically the laptop is empty, except for windows and antivirus there's almost nothing... sho there is no winzip or winrar installed.... well i have a class in campus till night so i tell her to download winzip from the net... its simple and fast... and for god sake its FREE!!! and this M**** said i on't have time for this i'm tired and etc etc(note: she's on a 2 months school holiday) so she told me to give her the URL better yet... maybe later she will tell me to download it my self... URGH...MOM GONNA BE PISSED!!!

wow sis.... what a wonderful sisterly love happens between us...
having a younger sister could really be a hassle

sakit dan antibiotik

Beberapa hari yang lalu w sakit pana cukup tinggi juga.... herannya 1 rumah g ada yang nyadar (ato jangan-jangan g peduli) kalo w lagi pusing berat... w langsung minum obat(antibiotik...jangan ditiru beneran deh) yang biasa w minum kalo w mulai panas g keruan..... tapi w gak bisa banyak-banyak tidur seperti layaknya orang sakit... w harus kul n ortu w yang lagi sibuk nyuruh(minta tolong) untuk ngerjain macem2 ya donlot video mengenai apalah, terjemahin lah, beli inilah itulah.... berkat obat w itu(antibiotik yang kalo ketauan dokter w bakal diomelin kayaknya atau mungkin diperiksa apa obat itu bakal masih mempan buat w ato gak) intinya w sembuh... tapi w tetep gampang lemes n capek... hmh jangan2 w sakit yang laen2 nih gazwat...... tapi kayaknya sih cuma perasaan doang x ya kalo w lagi sibuk ato lg sneng2 g krasa apa2 tuh....
kata dokter efek samping antibiotik yang w minum itu:
 1. pusing
2. muntah2
3. diare
4. sariawan/guam
5. yang paling parah infeksi jamur pada miss v
katanya sih kebanyakan gak terkena efek samping ini, jarang banget yang kena trus katanya buat yang ginjalnya rusak, mengkonsumsi alkohol, alergi pennicilin dan alergi makanan2 tertentu sebaiknya g meniru w dengan langsung minum.... bisa langsung koit jangan2.....

apapun sakitnya.... usahain periksa dulu kedokter sebelum coba2 obat internal..... sedikit saran hhe
kalo mw liat tentang antibiotik coba de url ini

Thursday 27 May 2010

Little me

this picture kinda reminds me back when i was very little i play and eat what i like... cause my dad will gimme anything.... i watch many disney fairy tale movie and hello kitty... i don't really remember how did i understand the story since my parents are Indonesian, i don't think i can read the subtitle back then cause it's pretty fast and the first time i learnt english is when i was in 3rd grade on elementary school... maybe i'm just seeing the pictures...

Anyways it's fun and never been stressful, i wonder when does it start to get annoying if my parents are at home when i try to relax my self...or even when the four of us (my mom, dad, little sister, me) go out i am happy, before they start arguing about something and i have to pretend to be the sweet girl  that will have everything under control(doing things i don't want to make 'em happy ) and most of times they will stop arguing and start to focus on me(then i kinda wanna say "maybe you guys are better off keep on arguing").

Geez... this attitude of mine really gotta change....

Any suggestion?? 

my sister n me

I don't understand how 2 people raised in the same environment can be so different...
My younger sister kinda look like this 
And i ended up like this......

we are both girls.... mind you...

despite the monkey emoticon my sister not really what we say dumb she's just lazy enough to look at a book cover while i rarely touch my "beauty" powder.......

PC gila

Program yang gw bikin gak jalan-jalan!!!! w dah coba berbagai cara w kotak ktik kodingannya.... w coba pake netbean editplus dan kawan-kawannya g bisa juga.... w retart kompinya... sama ajah....
malah beberapa folder w jadi .exe ()!@^$%&!^$?!?!&#(@ hah....... w menyerah.........

akhirnya w pindah ke Laptop gak main PC lg... dah sakit hai.... iseng2 w coba lagi tu program..JALAAAAAAAAN!!! sikul bener dah tuh PC......

Padahal kodingannya gampang...... cuma bikin invers n determinan matriks doang hhe... ternyata w emang jago...(halah).... hhihhihhi seneng bgt dah ekhe....

Wednesday 26 May 2010


Hampir semua orang pingin eksis... yang dimaksud eksis itu bukan kayak orang-orang kelewat gaul yang kerjaannya main kemana-mana dengan alasan "biar eksis dong!!".... bukan....bukan eksis yang itu yang gw maksud....
Eksistensi diri itu menurut w mungkin suatu perasaan dimana seseorang ingin "ada" ingin dia itu bukan sekadar lewat, dia ingin dikenal dan diingat bahkan mungkin ibutuhkan.
Banyak cara untuk eksis: ada yang dengan prestasi akademik yang gemilang... ada yang dengan membuat suatu gebrakkan baru( bisa dalam penemuan-penemuan ilmiah,  fashion, dll)... ada yang dengan cara terus menerus menyebarluaskan jaringan pergaulannya(yang gw bilang menclok sana-sini terus tapi jadi gak terlalu bisa ngikutin dalem-dalem jadinya malah kliatan banget dia sok teu(yaaah.. tapi gak semua begitu kok)).... ada juga yang dengan sendirinya eksis karena sifat-sifatnya yang bagus atau fisknya bagus baget... banyak lagi deh....
Biasanya orang tua sangat mengharapkan anknya eksis dengan cara pertama... Katanya sih banyak orang tua yang tanpa sadar mengubah harapan ini menjadi suatu tuntutan..dan ini biasanya membuat beban psikologis bagi anak kecuali kalu anak tersebut termasuk jenis anak yang senang berkembang dalam tekanan...haaah jadi kemana-mana....
Ngomong-ngomong gw sendiri pengen eksis dengan cara menulis novel science-fiction nih.... cuma kayaknya blum bisa... hhe kapan2 gw upload ah karya w... hhe...

makhluk air dalam mitos


Ashrays : juga dikenal sebagai Water Lovers atau Asrais, mereka bisa laki-laki atau perempuan. Mereka bisa ditemukan didalam air( gak begitu ngerti sih... mungkin maksudnya gak pernah ke permukaan kali ya).  Mereka mempunyai tubuh yang transparan sehingga orang sering kali mengira merek adalah hanu laut. Katanya makhluk ini tidak bisa hidup didaratan dan hanya muncul i malam hari.

boobrie: Makhluk ini seinggi kira-kira 1 kaki, kadang-kadang ia dipanggil dengan nama  waterbird atau waterhorse. Dia memiliki cakar tajam dan besar yang miip dengan tangan manusia. Dia memiliki bulu berwarna hitam dan sayapnya lebih panjang dari tubuhnya sekitar 3 kaki. Makanan favoritnya adalah ternak yang diangkut kapal yang melewati perairan didekatnya. 


Rusalki: Sejenis peri air yang cantik. Mereka memiliki rambut hijau yang panjang, dan suka bermain air dengan manusia. Walaupun mereka tidak termasuk jahat atau nakal banyak manusia yang meninggal dikarenakan mereka....

hum hum... nanti tambah lagi deeeh...

3 hari yang menyebalkan

pada suatu hari senin tgl xx bulan yy tahun zzzz...... dah... dongeng slesai....
bercanda.. jadi.... waktu w lupa...oooh ya!!

1. w pergi kul bangun masi ngantuk tapi mandi n dandan buru-buru gara-gara gw berangkat bareng bokap gw... n beliau marah banget kalo w "menghambat" beliau... dah siap!!! masih ngantuk.... n gw terseok-seok kekamar bokap gw... JRENG!! JRENG!!! Bokap gw baru selesai mandi!!! WTF?!?! #%^&$@(I^fytr$^%*&*H$#&5????!!! tidur lagi males juga... kasur dah rapih soalnya....

2. w nagih file dari klompok gw... file-file mreka itu maxudnya mau w editin jadi 1 makalah buat ikumpulin hari Rabu.... gak ada satupun yang bawa.... ngirim ke e-mail gw aja nggak...yasuwlah.. tak apa...

3. kul dari pagi mpe sore.... pas mau pulang... ujaaaaaaaan.... gede banget... nunggu ampe magrib baru bisa pulang....pas dah nyampe depan komplek gw sadar duit w abis... yuk mariiiiii.... jalan kaki... untung dah deket... cuma jalan 15 menitan giu... tapi.... langsung pasang headset hp w...(mencegah suara ghaib)....

disney's lyrics part that i can't forget

cinderella faiy godmother spell: Salaga-doola, menchika-boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Put them together, and what have you got? Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Salaga-doola, menchika-boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. It will do magic, believe it or not, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Now, "Salagadoola" means, "A-Menchika-boola-roo," but the the thingamabob, that does the job, is "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo."

peter pan  fly: When there's a smile in your heart. There's no better time to start.Think of all the joy you'll find. When you leave the world behind. And bid your cares good-bye. You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!

Aladdin steal's : One jump ahead of the breadline. One swing ahead of the sword. I steal only what I can't afford. ( That's Everything! )

Hercules journey : I'll be there someday . I can go the distance . I will find my way . If I can be strong .I know every mile . Will be worth my while .When I go the distance . I'll be right where I belong

Anastasia jewelry box: On the wind, 'cross the sea. Hear this song and remember. Soon you'll be home with me. Once upon a December

Sunday 16 May 2010

nasib buruk

crita nich:

nasib buruk salah seorang blogger juja hehehehe

1. waktu dy kecil dy pernah blajar speda roda 2 bareng kakaknya... tiba2 kakaknya kbelet BAK jadi dy psen " dik kamu jangan mainin spedanya dulu ya... diem aja disni nanti kakak balik lagi..." "ya kak.."  pas c kakak balik adiknya dah g ada... terdengar suara sayup2 "kak...kakak...kak..." sang kakak nyari sumber suara itu n JREEEEENG c adik lagi telentang di empang n spedanya nimpa badannya dengan mulusnya....dy bedarah-darah besot-besot gusinya bedarah...dll... ckckckck

ketidak pasitian

w gak suka segala hal yang gak pasti...

contohnya sehari-hari banyak

misalnya pelajaran sosiologi atau pokoknya plajaran yang bukan ilmu pasti tuh ngeselin... karna jawaban soal biasanya pendapat... jadi kayak tergantung ma apa kata gurunya..(bersyukur w masuk IPA pas SMA)

pas kuliah ada juga guru yang w tanya apa persyaratanya dapet A?? trus w kasi suatu kondisi n w tanya dengan kondisi tsb. masih bisa dapet A gak?? dosen itu malah cuma ngulang2 kalimat yang daritadi dia oongin n dengan kata lain dia ngindarin pernyataan w... (g pasti standar nilainya)

trus temen yang ngajak ktemuan... w dah stengah jalan dy tiba2 ganti tempat ketemuan n jamnya... shit abis....

banyak lagi c.... kapan2 deh w tambahin...


Cita-cita itu mungkin bisa dibilang semacam impian tapi impian yang bisa diwujudkan... menurut w ci... soalnya kalau impian yang gak bisa dicapai itukan namanya mimpi...

Biasanya anak-anak kecil kalau ditanya tentang cita-cita dengan gampangnya mreka treak-treak "mau jadi dokteeeeeeeer mau jadi piloooooooot mau jadi orang kayaaaaaaa" dsb.

w gak inget ya... apa cita-cita w waktu kecil.... yang jelas sejak smp-ampe skarang... kalo ditanya cita-cita... w masih bingung... atau sekedar asal jawab soalnya w gak mikirin itu.... mungkin w tipe orang yang hidup untuk hari ini bukan untuk hari esok...

Kata orang ci ini g bagus... tapi gimana ya.... w g dapet inspirasi tuh mw jd apaan...

Paling yang w pengen ci hidup senang meninggal masuk surga.... kerja jadi apa... yaaaah... pokoknya yang gajinya gede tapi halal....

ada yang bernasib sama ma w?? ato ada yang bisa kasi saran gimana caranya w nemuin cita-cita w??


Assalamuallaikum Wr. Wb.
Respected Adjudicators,
Ladies and gentlemen,
My fellow-participants,
Dear friends,

I thank you all for giving me the chance to stand here awhile to deliver a short speech on Juvenile Delinquency.

Juvenile Delinquency is defined as crime of not a very serious kind committed by young people. It includes abusive speech and manners, inter-gang fighting, absenteeism, insubordination, extortion, free-sex involvement, sexual harassment, drug addiction, and such like. Because no juvenile laws has been clearly established, these crimes can then bring about dangerous impacts on the doers themselves, the surroundings, and more terribly, the crimes may greatly be possible to kindle fearful criminality, to distort their physical, mental, and intellectual development, to destroy their future, and by all means to extremely hinder the nation building of our beloved country.

It is necessary to have a profound look at the causes, to find out protective ways, and to overcome the phenomena.

In accordance with the research, crimes committed by young people are triggered by the wrong process of socialization with all members of a family, a school, and an outer environment. Families and schools in most cases are lacking in creating effective and warm communication, giving direct and concrete examples of good behavior and ethics, practicing religious upbringing, uplifting young people to be creative, arousing inspiring environment and, especially for schools, strengthening academic atmosphere.
The government, in its attempts to eliminate the phenomena, doesn’t only seem to have strong law enforcement, qualified education, and preventive actions but also lacks good and accountable coordination among such a number of directly related ministries as The Ministry of National Education, The Ministry of Religion, The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, The Ministry of Health, the ministry of social affairs, The Police Force, and other related institutions. In addition, the negative side of the outer environment—wrong socialization worsened by apathetic surroundings—gives a significant influence on the increasing of moral hazard. Last but not least, a great number of youngsters remain having little self-control over dangers.

Protecting young people from committing delinquency is not an easy task; however, this can be well done by a strong will from all interrelated parties to avoid awful influences through warm and friendly communication among members of a family, direct practice of a good family culture, wise parental control over juvenile activities, active attention from the government, intense awareness of outer environment, and excellent self-control.

Effective handling should be promptly taken in case of the occurrence of moral hazard within young people. It calls for extra efforts and time to cope with such trouble. Recovery can be hopefully gained as long as all endeavors and support are carried out on the basis of love, trust, and patience. More importantly, the victim must have strong confidence to be resilient to change.

Nothing more essential than continual cooperation among all family members, educational institutions, the government, and the environment to go hand in hand for the sake of the bright future of the next generation.

Thank you
Assalamuallaikum Wr. Wb.                

Great Education for Great Country Development.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Respected adjudicators,
My fellow participants,
Dear friends,

I thank you all for giving me the chance to stand here awhile to deliver a short speech on Great Education for Great Country Development.

Worldwide growth has now reached the new economy era where a great number of transaction processes are digitalized. This is the fact which is continuously triggered by the globalization in business and culture, tighter business competition, higher demand on fast work speed, high pressures from surroundings  demanding on higher quality changes, more complicated problems on business, more intriguing cultures, politics, and economy than the past years. Those have caused an urgent need of a high quality of sustainable development on education for human resources, especially for the youngsters.

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is the way of strengthening the effectiveness of lifestyle

approaches to improve health. To have a healthy body and soul, human beings must get a

healthy lifestyle which necessitates such five factors as eating pattern, lifestyle, exercise,

environment and emotion, and pollution.

Firstly, eating pattern. The health of a human body really depends on a healthful

eating pattern. Good eating habit can help humans to reduce risks for heart diseases,

diabetes, coronary artery diseases ,kidney diseases, cancer and other diseases. A healthful

eating plan means choosing the right food to eat, preparing food in a healthy way, eating

a variety of nutritious foods from all the food groups, and taking regular mealtimes like

proportional breakfast and lunch, as well as small dinner containing only fruit, non-fat

milk and pure water.

what does it means to be Indonesian

 I thank God a lot for the blessing that I was born in Indonesia and have been growing up as an Indonesian. As expression of gratitude, we as Indonesian people should feel proud of being Indonesian because the country is wonderfully blessed with millions of splendors and it is fully independent. Consequently, we should feel obliged to be grateful to our pioneering predecessors for their great struggle by devoting all our spirits to give full care about the running process of the nation building and to raise the nation’s values.

Being proud as an Indonesian should naturally come out owing to the fact that Indonesia is a picturesque country with its thousands of scenic Islands and a great variety of uniquely amazing arts and cultures-the blessings that are quite rare to be found in other countries; moreover, the country is bestowed with abundant richness in its natural resources such as crude oil, gases, gold, silver, and a lot of other mines, forests, agricultural produce, sea wealth, and other uncountable and possibly hidden affluence. Not yet counted its warm and friendly social life and certainly its huge stretch of land and seas.