Friday 4 June 2010

sisterly love???

once again..... when i look at this emoticon i remembered my sister......

recently my sister somehow wants me to hug her... (eeeew).... and when i refused she will call my mom or dad... telling them that i don't want to hug her (erg...WTF?!?!)...
and after that she wont care anymore... and then she came to my room bothering me with something "very important" (yeah right)... she got crazyly happy and weird in a second and become extremly annoying and get angry so easily on anothe second.....

what went wrong?? she's on "the age" or something??

But then when she and i are making a different kind of dinner.. things went well we laugh for a bit.. taste each other food, watch tv...etc. whatever...

Last night she said she want to wath a DVD with ME in MY ROOM.. allright and then she starts complaining about how boring or how ugly or how awful the plot and the character is...(geez get the hell out of here!!!) and she stayed quite long... until i say i gotta sleep gona leave early tomorrow....

today... mom ask her to extract a zipped file on mom's new laptop... well practically the laptop is empty, except for windows and antivirus there's almost nothing... sho there is no winzip or winrar installed.... well i have a class in campus till night so i tell her to download winzip from the net... its simple and fast... and for god sake its FREE!!! and this M**** said i on't have time for this i'm tired and etc etc(note: she's on a 2 months school holiday) so she told me to give her the URL better yet... maybe later she will tell me to download it my self... URGH...MOM GONNA BE PISSED!!!

wow sis.... what a wonderful sisterly love happens between us...
having a younger sister could really be a hassle

sakit dan antibiotik

Beberapa hari yang lalu w sakit pana cukup tinggi juga.... herannya 1 rumah g ada yang nyadar (ato jangan-jangan g peduli) kalo w lagi pusing berat... w langsung minum obat(antibiotik...jangan ditiru beneran deh) yang biasa w minum kalo w mulai panas g keruan..... tapi w gak bisa banyak-banyak tidur seperti layaknya orang sakit... w harus kul n ortu w yang lagi sibuk nyuruh(minta tolong) untuk ngerjain macem2 ya donlot video mengenai apalah, terjemahin lah, beli inilah itulah.... berkat obat w itu(antibiotik yang kalo ketauan dokter w bakal diomelin kayaknya atau mungkin diperiksa apa obat itu bakal masih mempan buat w ato gak) intinya w sembuh... tapi w tetep gampang lemes n capek... hmh jangan2 w sakit yang laen2 nih gazwat...... tapi kayaknya sih cuma perasaan doang x ya kalo w lagi sibuk ato lg sneng2 g krasa apa2 tuh....
kata dokter efek samping antibiotik yang w minum itu:
 1. pusing
2. muntah2
3. diare
4. sariawan/guam
5. yang paling parah infeksi jamur pada miss v
katanya sih kebanyakan gak terkena efek samping ini, jarang banget yang kena trus katanya buat yang ginjalnya rusak, mengkonsumsi alkohol, alergi pennicilin dan alergi makanan2 tertentu sebaiknya g meniru w dengan langsung minum.... bisa langsung koit jangan2.....

apapun sakitnya.... usahain periksa dulu kedokter sebelum coba2 obat internal..... sedikit saran hhe
kalo mw liat tentang antibiotik coba de url ini

Thursday 27 May 2010

Little me

this picture kinda reminds me back when i was very little i play and eat what i like... cause my dad will gimme anything.... i watch many disney fairy tale movie and hello kitty... i don't really remember how did i understand the story since my parents are Indonesian, i don't think i can read the subtitle back then cause it's pretty fast and the first time i learnt english is when i was in 3rd grade on elementary school... maybe i'm just seeing the pictures...

Anyways it's fun and never been stressful, i wonder when does it start to get annoying if my parents are at home when i try to relax my self...or even when the four of us (my mom, dad, little sister, me) go out i am happy, before they start arguing about something and i have to pretend to be the sweet girl  that will have everything under control(doing things i don't want to make 'em happy ) and most of times they will stop arguing and start to focus on me(then i kinda wanna say "maybe you guys are better off keep on arguing").

Geez... this attitude of mine really gotta change....

Any suggestion??